Daniel Moerner

Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the University of Chicago. You can contact me at [email protected]. My GPG key is available here. Note that email to my personal domain is subject to greylisting. If you use an email provider which does not follow RFC 5321 (such as Tutanota), I encourage you to switch.

Current Teaching

Ethics in the Digital Age (Lecture, Fall 2022)

Hume's Theoretical Philosophy (Seminar, Fall 2022)

Past Teaching

History of Philosophy 2: Medieval and Early Modern (Lecture, Winter 2022)

Philosophical Perspectives 2 (Core, Winter 2022)

17th Century Political Philosophy: Hobbes and Spinoza (Seminar, Winter 2021)

Philosophical Perspectives 1 (Core, Fall 2021)

Descartes's Meditations in its Medieval Context (Seminar, Winter 2021)

History of Philosophy 2: Medieval and Early Modern (Asynchronous, Winter 2021)

Early Modern Philosophy Beyond the Canon (Seminar, Fall 2020)

Ethics in the Digital Age (Asynchronous, Fall 2020)

Spinoza's Ethics (Seminar, Spring 2020)

History of Philosophy 2: Medieval and Early Modern (Lecture, Winter 2020)

Philosophical Perspectives 2 (Core, Winter 2020)

Philosophical Perspectives 1 (Core, Fall 2019)


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